Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

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Just Guessing
Posts: 64
Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:06 pm

Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by Just Guessing »

I am working on an auto script that will anounce the upcoming track in a popup window, with a button for continuing (otherwise it will pause).

It's coming along fine, BUT, I've just realized my mechanics for anticipating the end of the current song (a timer triggers a Sub routine at timer=SDB.Player.CurrentSong.SongLength minus an optional timeframe) will TOTALLY fail if for any reason the seek bar is moved. (The timer being ignorant of seek bar activity).

I'm wondering if getting a timer to repeatedly check "SDB.Player.PlaybackTime" against the "SongLength - OptionalPeriod" might fly, though I'm not feeling confident that I can code that in less than a week of forum post scrounging.

Can anybody suggest an elegant way to trigger an event at, say, 5 seconds before the end of any playing song.

(Cross fading will already be OFF, so isn't relevant; and again, the method would have to withstand potential rew/FF interactions).

Just Guessing
Posts: 64
Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:06 pm

Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by Just Guessing »

Another angle of attack:

After OnPlay has calculated a '5 seconds before end' timer,
a subsequent SEEK action triggers an OnSeek event for a new calculation, and will correctly start a timer for the '5 seconds before end' location;
but, the initial OnPlay timer is still out there waiting to go off...

Maybe I'm missing something, but after a lot of testing, I find that once :

Set tmr = SDB.CreateTimer(10000)
Script.RegisterEvent tmr, "OnTimer", "TestTimer"

has been processed, NOTHING will destroy that called for action in 10.

Yes, I know FUTURE initiating of the timer is easily disabled; but is there a way to destroy the timer already set to go off? I just get errors with every thing I've experimented with.
Andreas Weichert
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Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by Andreas Weichert »

What you want to say in you last sentences I do not really understand.

Nevertheless if "eventing" does not work use polling. Means make a qick timer (500 ms) and test on every event the condition.
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Just Guessing
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Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by Just Guessing »

What I mean is that once a timer is initiated, for say 4 minutes from now, the only way I've found to STOP that timer is UnregisterAllEvents (TOO destructive), close mediamonkey, or turn the computer off. If the timer SPECIFICLY can be stopped, I couldn't find the method. I tried lots of code which seems like it should have worked.

I've already implemented the polling method, but was wondering if there was a more direct "means to the end". I'm one of those types who almost religiously hates persistantly running background tasks, unless totally unavoidable.

Thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by mcow »

Can you just set tmr.Enabled to false?
Andreas Weichert
Posts: 57
Joined: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:51 am

Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by Andreas Weichert »

I agree with you. Polling is the last ugly and inperformant way if nothing other works.

I call to my mind, I hat the same problem some months ago. I found no way to remove a pending timer event. Only unregister all works. Disable or set a time not nothing had not effect.

There are a lot things that should be im proved in the scripting interface from the MM developer. At last the plug-in possibility of MM is one of the important features that make MM so good.
MM developer please help us!
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Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by trixmoto »

The UnRegisterHandler method can be quite useful, it well cancel all the timers which are set to trigger a particular function, which presumably would only be the ones that you don't want.

Other than that, you need to store the timer object in "SDB.Objects" so that you can fetch it and cancel it specifically.
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Just Guessing
Posts: 64
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Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by Just Guessing »

I'm not sure I know what you mean; isn't EVERY timer created as an object?

And yes, I am seeking to cancel a SPECIFIC timer; if a button is pressed in a popup before the song ends. Not being able to cancel the specific timer has a convoluted solution (though I have the script working at this point).

Below is the script in working state (if less than perfect) . Maybe someone spots superior solutions or absent error handling!

before the current song in the 'NOW PLAYING' list ends, a popup announces the next song.
There is a button. The next song will not start unless the button is pressed.
There is then a 3 second gap before the next song.

After checking out your scripts, Mr Weichert, It struck me that I should borrow your inspiration of your "Speak Song Title" script. So I have studied and mimicked your examples and implimented a voice that will come after a few seconds, if no one presses the button (to harrass the singers who aren't paying attention). I'm amazed how simple it is to implement the SAPI voice, though was frustrated with how hard it is to get it to be intelligable! Anyone who doesn't carve out that function will have to personalize the messages themselves. Its a pain, but it IS pretty funny. I should credit Steegy as his RatePlayedSong actually began as the framework. I should credit others too, if I knew who to credit, as mostly i'm copying someone's elses example!

Code: Select all

' DCM KARAOKE ANNOUNCER - when a song is ending, announces next, pauses and asks for permission to continue
' put in AUTO scripts folder
'================================================================ !!!!!TEST FOR "NO PHOTO" FAILURE!
Option Explicit   

Dim MenuItem, NextOne, PreviousSong, IntervalTimer, GapTimer, AnnaTimer
Dim NextSong 
Dim NextArtist 
Dim NextTitle

Const Gap = 3000      '  tweak here (milliseconds)
Const Interval = 6000 '  tweak here (milliseconds)
''Const MenuItemOn = True
'Dim MenuItemOn

Sub OnStartup
	Set MenuItem = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_TBStandard, 0, 0)
	MenuItem.IconIndex = 2
	MenuItem.Caption = "Karaoke Transition Box"
	MenuItem.Checked = False
	Script.RegisterEvent MenuItem, "OnClick", "MenuItem_OnClick"
	Script.RegisterEvent SDB, "OnPlay", "IntervalCheck"		
	Script.RegisterEvent SDB, "OnStop", "WereStopping" 
	Script.RegisterEvent SDB, "OnPause", "WerePausing"
	Script.RegisterEvent SDB, "OnTrackEnd", "SpeakAnna"
End Sub

Sub SpeakAnna 			
	If ( SDB.Player.CurrentSongIndex < SDB.Player.PlaylistCount - 1 ) Then
		Set AnnaTimer = SDB.CreateTimer(5000) 
		Script.RegisterEvent AnnaTimer, "OnTimer", "AnnaTimerSub"
	End If
End Sub

Sub AnnaTimerSub(AnnaTimer)
	AnnaTimer.Enabled = False
	Script.UnRegisterEvents AnnaTimer
	Set AnnaTimer = Nothing
	If Not SDB.Player.isPlaying Then
		Dim SongTitle : SongTitle = SDB.Player.CurrentSong.Title
		Dim SongArtist : SongArtist = SDB.Player.CurrentSong.ArtistName 
		Dim AnnaSays1 : AnnaSays1 = "\r-2 I \p4\r-4 mean,\r-5\p2 for \p-3 the \r-7\p9\e love/e  \r-7\v7\p-8 of. \3 \v10 \r0 \p1Who \p-2\r-2owns \r0 the \p0 song, " & SongTitle & "? \5 \p2 \r-6 Folks?"
		Dim AnnaSays2 : AnnaSays2 = "\r-7Yo!\4 \r-3 Who gonna \r-5  sing? \3 \p7" & SongTitle & ". \4 " & SongTitle & "!"
		Dim AnnaSays3 : AnnaSays3 = "Dog playin piano. \3\r-6Crazy,\r0 \p6in \r-10\p10 saine \p-3\r-4 broe. \r0Any who.  " & SongTitle & ", \r-1 you're up."
		Dim AnnaSays4 : AnnaSays4 = "Someone chose " & SongTitle & ", by " & SongArtist & ". Or,     \r-6 \p9          am        \r-4\p3        I          \r-10\p-4          high?"
		Dim AnnaSays5 : AnnaSays5 = "\p-2\r2 ain't no \r-5 skin \r1\p-3 off \r-6\p10 \e my /e  \p-5\r0 arse, \p0 if no one wants to claim\r-6 " & SongTitle & "! \r-1 Just\r-5 sayin."
		Dim AnnaSays6 : AnnaSays6 = "\r-5\p-8 \e what /e \9\r0\p0  Because, I'm, a \p7\r-4 \e row butt? /e \3\p0\r0 Is that why you \r-4 ignore me? \r0 I, got \p3 " & SongTitle & " \p0 all ready, for who ever \r1 selected \r0 it. \r-2 Any time, \r-5\p9\3 Oh \p-5 Kay"
		Dim AnnaSays7 : AnnaSays7 = "\r0 whats the \r-2 problem?\3 "
		Dim AnnaSays8 : AnnaSays8 = "\r-6 \p-8 I'm\r-1 in\p7\evisible/e\r-4 over \p5 here? \5 \p-2 \r-3 or \p-10 \e \r-6  what? /e "  '
		Dim AnnaSays9 : AnnaSays9 = "Waiting For \r-5\e\p7some/e \p1one, \r-1 \p0To sing \p7 \r-4" & SongTitle & ", \p-7\r-1by \p3 \r-5 " & SongArtist & "!"
		Dim AnnaSays10 : AnnaSays10 = "You're scaring me \r-2\p-4people. \p0 \1 Are \1 our \r0 attention spans \r-2 \p9  that, \p0 \r0  short? Really? Who picked \e " & SongTitle & "?/e Come on."
		Dim AnnaSays11 : AnnaSays11 = "Calling the \p3 \e song \p0\r-3 stir \r0/e \2 who chose \r-2 " & SongTitle & ""
		Dim AnnaSays12 : AnnaSays12 = "Well, \r-3\p5SOMEBODY \p0\r0 picked \r-2\e " & SongTitle & "/e. \r0\4 Are \r-3 we \r-4 in the \p4 \r-3 toilet. \p0 \3 \r-6 Hello,"
		Dim AnnaSays13 : AnnaSays13 = "Is that \r-5\edog/e \r0 playing PIANO? seriously? Well, \r-1\p-2anyway, \r0\p0 someone was going to sing " & SongTitle & ""
		Dim AnnaSays14 : AnnaSays14 = " \r-10  \p-7 <pron sym=""p  ah  l""/> /p\p10 <pron sym=""l iy - iy - iy z""/>	 /p/r" 
		Dim AnnaSays15 : AnnaSays15 = "OK, in five seconds, if nobody else starts \p-9 singing \r-3\p-9\3 ohhhh \r4 \p0 what's the \r-2 song? \r-1\p-1 " & SongTitle & ", \r0 then, \p10 \r-10 I'm  \r4\p-1 going  to \p-6\r-1 sing \p-8 it! \2 \r2\p5 You want that? \4 \r0\p-2 No!\r1 I didn't \p4\r-2 \e think /e\p-3 so!"
		Dim AnnaSays16 : AnnaSays16 = " \r-6 please. \r-8\p4 Please! \r-10  \p10 <pron sym=""l iy - 1  iy 1 - iy - iy - iy - iy - iy - iy z""/>  /v/p/r"
		Dim AnnaSays17 : AnnaSays17 = "\r-10	NEXT! NEXT! <pron sym=""n eh k k k k k - k s t""/>\4 \p5Oh, \r-6\p-5 " & SongTitle & "!" 	
		Dim AnnaSays18 : AnnaSays18 = "\p8\r-6 Well \p-10\r-3 shit, \p5 \r0 what \p-7\r-10 ever. \r-4 \p0 go \r-2\p-4baby, \5\r-2\p10 " & SongTitle & ". \4 By \p3 \r-5 " & SongArtist
		Dim AnnaSays19 : AnnaSays19 = "Arrow! \5   \p2\r-1 Arrow! \5\r1 That's \p-6 his \p7\r-2 name, \p0\r3 right?   \7  \r-2 Arrow! \r0  Play piano arrow!  \7  \p5 Lots \p-5 of \p-6\r1 Dalmations are \r-2 deaf, \r3\p-5 you know. \5 \p8 Maybe \p4 he's \p-2 deaf!"
		Dim AnnaSays20 : AnnaSays20 = "\r-6 Um, \r-5\p9 blah \r-4\p1 blah  \r-3\p-9 blah \r0\p8 \9 what's the \r-3 song \r-2 \p-5 here. \5 \r-8 \p9 " & SongTitle & "! \p10 \r0 By \p10\r-9 " & SongArtist & "! \6 \r2 \p-9 Like \r-10\p6 I \p-7\r0  know."
		Dim AnnaSays21 : AnnaSays21 = "OK, " & SongTitle & " \4 \p5 " & SongTitle & "\4\p6  " & SongTitle & " \4 \p1\r-2" & SongTitle & "\7\p0\r0  Play piano arrow!  "
		Dim Sapi
		Set Sapi = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") 
		Sapi.Rate = 0
		Sapi.Volume = 100
		Dim iLower : iLower = 1
		Dim iUpper : iUpper = 21
		Dim Chaos : Chaos = Int((iUpper - iLower + 1) * Rnd + iLower)
		Dim Fun : Fun = Eval("AnnaSays" & Chaos)
		Dim ThePhrase
		ThePhrase = GetCtrlSpeakText(Fun)
		Sapi.speak ThePhrase, 8 		
		Set Sapi = Nothing
	End If
End Sub

Sub IntervalCheck
	If MenuItem.Checked Then
		If SDB.Player.isPlaying And ( SDB.Player.CurrentSongIndex < SDB.Player.PlaylistCount - 1 ) Then
			Set IntervalTimer = SDB.CreateTimer(Interval * 1.2)      
			Script.RegisterEvent IntervalTimer, "OnTimer", "IntervalTimerSub" 
		End If
		If (SDB.Player.CurrentSongIndex = SDB.Player.PlaylistCount - 1) Then
			Set IntervalTimer = Nothing
			Set GapTimer = Nothing
		End If
	End If
End Sub
Sub IntervalTimerSub(IntervalTimer) 
	If SDB.Player.isPlaying Then
		If (SDB.Player.CurrentSong.SongLength - SDB.Player.PlaybackTime) < ( Interval * 2 ) Then    '   And (SDB.Player.PlaybackTime > Interval)
			Script.UnregisterEvents IntervalTimer
			Set IntervalTimer = Nothing
			SDB.Player.StopAfterCurrent = True 
		End If
	End If
End Sub
Sub GapTimerSub(GapTimer) 
	If (Not SDB.Player.isPlaying) Then    
		SDB.Player.PlaybackTime = 0 				  
	End If
	Script.UnregisterEvents GapTimer
End Sub

Sub WePressedIt()
	GetForm.Common.Visible = False
	Dim remaining
	remaining = (SDB.Player.CurrentSong.SongLength - SDB.Player.PlaybackTime) - 800  ' 800 is a correction for wierd delay
	If remaining > ( (Interval * 2) - 800 ) Or remaining < 0 Then 
		remaining = 0
	End If
	Set GapTimer = SDB.CreateTimer(remaining + Gap) 
	Script.RegisterEvent GapTimer, "OnTimer", "GapTimerSub" 
End Sub

Sub WerePausing '(IntervalTimer) 	
	If MenuItem.Checked Then
		If SDB.Player.isPlaying Then
			Call IntervalCheck
		End If
		If SDB.Player.isPaused Then
			Script.UnregisterEvents IntervalTimer
			Set IntervalTimer = Nothing
		End If
	End If
End Sub

Sub WereStopping '(IntervalTimer) 	
	If MenuItem.Checked Then
		Script.UnregisterEvents IntervalTimer
		Set IntervalTimer = Nothing
	End If
End Sub
Function GetForm
	Set GetForm = SDB.Objects("KaraokeBox_Form")
	Dim Webby
	Dim result
	Dim TheContent
	Dim TheWorks
	Set GetForm = SDB.UI.NewForm
	GetForm.Common.SetRect 200, 200, 1530, 585
	GetForm.BorderStyle = 2   ' 3 = Resizable
	GetForm.FormPosition = 4   ' Screen Center
	GetForm.StayOnTop = True
	GetForm.Common.Visible = True
	GetForm.SavePositionName = "KaraokeBox_Form"
	GetForm.Caption = "Your Karaoke pleasure is ready, at your convenience..."
	Set SDB.Objects("KaraokeBox_Form") = GetForm
	Set Webby = SDB.UI.NewActiveX(GetForm, "Shell.Explorer")
	'Webby.Common.SetRect 0, 0, 1500, 500
	Webby.Common.ClientHeight = GetForm.Common.ClientHeight ' this is a test
	Webby.Common.ClientWidth = GetForm.Common.ClientWidth ' this is a test
	Webby.Common.Anchors = 15 '1 + 2 + 4+8 ' 15...test??
	Webby.Common.ControlName = "Webby"
	Set NextSong = SDB.Player.PlaylistItems(SDB.Player.CurrentSongIndex + 1) 
	NextArtist = NextSong.ArtistName 
	NextTitle = NextSong.Title 
	If NextSong.AlbumArt.Count > 0 Then	
		Dim CoverTmp, CoverSize, CoverTmpFile, CoverObject, CoverFile 
		Set CoverObject = NextSong.AlbumArt.Item(0)
		CoverSize = 350 
		Set CoverTmp = CoverObject.Image.ConvertFormatEx(CoverSize, CoverSize, "image/jpeg", 100, 0, 0)
		CoverFile = SDB.TemporaryFolder & "tmpCoverResize.jpg"
		Set CoverTmpFile = SDB.Tools.FileSystem.CreateTextFile(CoverFile, True)
		CoverTmpFile.WriteData CoverTmp.ImageData, CoverTmp.ImageDataLen 
	End If
	Set TheContent = New Page
	TheContent.Add "<!DOCTYPE html>"
	TheContent.Add "<html>"
	TheContent.Add "<head>"
	TheContent.Add "</head>"
	TheContent.Add "<body style=""background-color:#000; font-family:Verdana; font-size:36px; color:#FC3; text-align:center;"">"
	TheContent.Add "<div style=""height:480px; width:1440px; padding:40px,40px; padding-Right:40px;"">"
	TheContent.Add "<div STYLE=""float:right; width:360px; height:390px; padding-top:30px"">"
	TheContent.Add "<div STYLE=""width:350px; height:350px;"">"
	TheContent.Add "<img src='" & CoverFile & "'>"
	TheContent.Add "</div>"
	TheContent.Add "</div>"
	TheContent.Add "<div STYLE=""float:Left; width:70%; height:450px; padding:20px,20px; padding-Left:40px;"">"
	TheContent.Add "<div STYLE=""width:90%; height:80px; padding-top:10px; font-style:italic;  text-align:left;"">"
	TheContent.Add "THE NEXT SONG IS:"
	TheContent.Add "</div>"
	TheContent.Add "<div STYLE=""width:98%; height:120px; padding-top:40px; font-size:60px; font-weight:bold;"">"
	TheContent.Add NextTitle
	TheContent.Add "</div>"
	TheContent.Add "<div STYLE=""width:98%; height:30px; padding-top:20px; font-size:24px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic"">"
	TheContent.Add "&nbsp;as once performed by the soon to be unnecessary:"
	TheContent.Add "</div>"
	TheContent.Add "<div STYLE=""width:98%; height:60px; padding-top:20px; font-size:36px; font-weight:bold;"">"
	TheContent.Add NextArtist
	TheContent.Add "</div>"
	TheContent.Add "<div STYLE=""width:98%; height:40px; padding-top:15px; font-size:24px;"">"
	Dim Btn : Set Btn = SDB.UI.NewButton(GetForm)
	Btn.Caption = SDB.Localize("OK, I'M READY TO SING!")
	Btn.Common.SetRect 270, 410, 560, 45
	Btn.Common.Anchors = 4 + 8
	Script.RegisterEvent Btn, "OnClick", "WePressedIt"
	TheContent.Add "</div>"
	TheContent.Add "</div>"
	TheContent.Add "</div>"
	TheContent.Add "</body>"
	TheContent.Add "</html>"
	TheWorks = TheContent.Content
	'End If
End Function

Class Page  ' part of effort to get html, tool this some?
	Dim KaraTable, KaraAddRows, KaraRow
	Private Sub Class_Initialize()
		KaraAddRows = 50
		KaraRow = 0
		ReDim KaraTable(KaraAddRows)
	End Sub
	Public Sub Add(Line)
		If KaraRow > UBound(KaraTable) Then ReDim Preserve KaraTable(UBound(KaraTable) + KaraAddRows)
		KaraTable(KaraRow) = Line
		KaraRow = KaraRow + 1
	End Sub
	Public Function Content
		Content = Join(KaraTable, vbNewLine)
	End Function
End Class
Sub MenuItem_OnClick(Button)
	Button.Checked = Not Button.Checked
End Sub

Function GetCtrlSpeakText(ByVal Str)
	Dim out
	Dim numstr
	out = Str
	out = Replace(out, "\22", "<silence msec= '2200'/>", 1, -1, 0)   ' \# = pause
	out = Replace(out, "\20", "<silence msec= '2000'/>", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\18", "<silence msec= '1800'/>", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\16", "<silence msec= '1600'/>", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\14", "<silence msec= '1400'/>", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\12", "<silence msec= '1200'/>", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\10", "<silence msec= '1000'/>", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\9", "<silence msec= '900'/>", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\8", "<silence msec= '800'/>", 1, -1, 0)		
	out = Replace(out, "\7", "<silence msec= '700'/>", 1, -1, 0)		
	out = Replace(out, "\6", "<silence msec= '600'/>", 1, -1, 0)		
	out = Replace(out, "\5", "<silence msec= '500'/>", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\4", "<silence msec= '400'/>", 1, -1, 0)		
	out = Replace(out, "\3", "<silence msec= '300'/>", 1, -1, 0)		
	out = Replace(out, "\2", "<silence msec= '200'/>", 1, -1, 0)		
	out = Replace(out, "\1", "<silence msec= '100'/>", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "/e", "</emph>", 1, -1, 0) 									
	out = Replace(out, "\e", "<emph>", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "/r", "</rate>", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r10", "<rate absspeed=""10"">", 1, -1, 0)    ' \r#   for rate    -10 to  10
	out = Replace(out, "\r9", "<rate absspeed=""9"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r8", "<rate absspeed=""8"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r7", "<rate absspeed=""7"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r6", "<rate absspeed=""6"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r5", "<rate absspeed=""5"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r4", "<rate absspeed=""4"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r3", "<rate absspeed=""3"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r2", "<rate absspeed=""2"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r1", "<rate absspeed=""1"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r0", "<rate absspeed=""0"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\r-10", "<rate absspeed=""-10"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r-9", "<rate absspeed=""-9"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r-8", "<rate absspeed=""-8"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r-7", "<rate absspeed=""-7"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r-6", "<rate absspeed=""-6"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r-5", "<rate absspeed=""-5"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r-4", "<rate absspeed=""-4"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r-3", "<rate absspeed=""-3"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r-2", "<rate absspeed=""-2"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\r-1", "<rate absspeed=""-1"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "/p", "</pitch>", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p10", "<pitch absmiddle=""10"">", 1, -1, 0)   '   \p#  for pitch  -10  to   10
	out = Replace(out, "\p9", "<pitch absmiddle=""9"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p8", "<pitch absmiddle=""8"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p7", "<pitch absmiddle=""7"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p6", "<pitch absmiddle=""6"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p5", "<pitch absmiddle=""5"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p4", "<pitch absmiddle=""4"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p3", "<pitch absmiddle=""3"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p2", "<pitch absmiddle=""2"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p1", "<pitch absmiddle=""1"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p0", "<pitch absmiddle=""0"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p-10", "<pitch absmiddle=""-10"">", 1, -1, 0)	
	out = Replace(out, "\p-9", "<pitch absmiddle=""-9"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p-8", "<pitch absmiddle=""-8"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p-7", "<pitch absmiddle=""-7"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p-6", "<pitch absmiddle=""-6"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p-5", "<pitch absmiddle=""-5"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p-4", "<pitch absmiddle=""-4"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p-3", "<pitch absmiddle=""-3"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p-2", "<pitch absmiddle=""-2"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\p-1", "<pitch absmiddle=""-1"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "/v", "</volume>", 1, -1, 0)  
	out = Replace(out, "\v10", "<volume level=""100"">", 1, -1, 0) ' \v#  for volume  10  to  100
	out = Replace(out, "\v9", "<volume level=""90"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\v8", "<volume level=""80"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\v7", "<volume level=""70"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\v6", "<volume level=""60"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\v5", "<volume level=""50"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\v4", "<volume level=""40"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\v3", "<volume level=""30"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\v2", "<volume level=""20"">", 1, -1, 0)
	out = Replace(out, "\v1", "<volume level=""10"">", 1, -1, 0)
	GetCtrlSpeakText = out
End Function
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Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by mcow »

So: Are you having issues with not being able to cancel the timer? Or is your problem that you haven't seen how to capture the OnSeek event?
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Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by trixmoto »

Yes, it does create an object, which you can then store, like this...

Code: Select all

      Set AnnaTimer = SDB.CreateTimer(5000) 
      Script.RegisterEvent AnnaTimer, "OnTimer", "AnnaTimerSub"
      Set SDB.Objects("AnnaTimer") = AnnaTimer '<------- stored for later use
You can then cancel the timer whenever you want, like this...

Code: Select all

      Set AnnaTimer = SDB.Objects("AnnaTimer")
      Script.UnRegisterEvents AnnaTimer
      Set SDB.Objects("AnnaTimer") = Nothing
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Just Guessing
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Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by Just Guessing »

YES! I see - one simple line of code too!!! Love it. I tried alot of stuff, and I actually thought that I had tried what you show, but guess in fact I didn't.

I thank you Trixmoto, I will benefit in the future from finding that out.

Not having solved the problem just pushed this script to go in some alternate directions, but perhaps it's even better the way it evolved. I just felt there MUST be an answer to the issue I got hung up on. I'm probably done with this particular script, as it is working (I think), and is only for a rare karaoke night, but the concept of STORING the object in order to later have the ability to disable it is a good one to have had clarified. I haven't tried it yet, but I certainly did try to unregister/set to nothing/"enabled = false" without that line you point to, and it does NOT work for a SPECIFIC timer. That was exactly my issue.

Geez, sorry everyone; this has ended up migrating quite a bit from the initial topic title!
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Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by trixmoto »

Good, well I'm glad I could help :)
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Re: Elegant way to anticipate the end of current song?

Post by Peke »

Well, if it is worth I enjoyed reading this.
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