Four cheers for MM4!

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Four cheers for MM4!

Post by svburke »

I am now finally up-to-date with my MM4 installation, in that I have correctly sorted my classical music into the classical music collection, leaving other music in the music collection. It was a bit of a struggle given the size of my library and my unclean genre tagging -- I am nearing the end of my two-year ripping campaign, and I saved genre cleaning for the very end, because I figured my mental list of genres would evolve. After a slow start, I have to say I am very impressed with MM4's functionality. MM4 does even better what MM3 did very, very well -- serve as a library manager and organizer. The keys to the improvements are the collections and the column browser. The purpose of ripping a large collection, especially a classical collection, is to create efficiency of access and additional access points to everything in one's collection. Whereas a wall of CD's can only be sorted with one hierarchy (e.g. alphabetical by composer, then work, then performer), MM allows for several. Having a separate classical collection makes searching by composer neater. And having the column browser means that most searching can be done with keystrokes rather than mousing, which is huge from my point of view.

Anyhow, I've seen some carping on the board about the upgrade, as it's always the complainers who post complaints instead of the satisfied customers posting about their satisfaction. So I just thought I'd post this thank-you to the developers. MM4 is without any doubt the software of choice for managing a large classical collection.

Sean Burke
Philadelphia, PA
MM user since December 2009
Posts: 32
Joined: Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:12 am

Re: Four cheers for MM4!

Post by RandomEngy »

Heck yeah. Updated to MM4 recently and was very pleased. The old slightly odd-colored skin was replaced by a nice clean Win7 look.

I had made some modifications to the old Glided skin, most notably cleaning up some buttons, widening the bar and removing the playbar "nub". The new skin does everything I want and I didn't feel the need to change anything, which is great.
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