ID3 tags character encoding messed. Can MM help?

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ID3 tags character encoding messed. Can MM help?

Post by NLS »

OK I have the following issue, not caused by MediaMonkey (in fact I am not sure when it happened).

Seems that many of my ID3 tags that use Greek characters now show "Chinese" (erm... we use this expression like the English use... erm... "Greek"). Seems that some non-UNICODE aware app messed them.

I tried various ID3 encoding tools I found but they did nothing as probably the ID3 tags are ALREADY Unicode but probably when the transition happened the characters did not get remapped properly so they "remapped" without actually... remapping.

The characters are all there and the same character is always replaced by the same "trash".

I can go on and to replace all "Äõï Íý÷ôåò" with "Δυο Νύχτες" for example (and I know MM can help with this), but it will be much work.

I wonder if I can either:

- MASS "remap" like the external tools I found (that don't work properly).


- (more work but less than editing all artists albums and song names) Mass replace single characters in ALL my collection. Using my example above, all "Ä" will need to get replaced by "Δ" and so on.

So can I do either of those and how?