Archive your vinyl collection in MM with Import XMCD Plus...

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Archive your vinyl collection in MM with Import XMCD Plus...

Post by ~Maxx »

Hi folks. I've been looking for a way to archive my vinyl record collection in Media Monkey along with the rest of my music. There didn't seem to be a solution out there until I ran across a post (which I cannot seem to locate now - sorry) that suggested a variation of the "Import XMCD" script by trixmoto. Unfortunately I know very little about scripting in any language. So, with the original authors permission, I incorporated the help of a friend who is more knowledgeable. And with some fairly minor additions and adjustments we came up with the following script, which we have titled "Import XMCD Plus".

The original thread for trixmoto's "Import XMCD" script can be found here.

What this script will do is add information from a XMCD file from to your library. Just locate your album at, save the XMCD file to your hard drive, then open MM and go to "tools" - "scripts" - "ImportXMCDplus". Once you select the desired XMCD file you will be prompted with a series of input boxes allowing you to determine the albums genre (I personally have a genre for vinyl in my library - so this works well for me), add comments to the albums "comments" field (I use this for noting the albums condition and sometimes which pressing it is), and an input field for each of the albums tracks allowing you to note which side of the album the track is found on (this adds the album side to the beginning of the track title).

We tried to figure out how to associate album art with these files, but had no luck. I have thought of one or two minor tweaks I'd like to make - so there will likely be a second version. If anyone has any suggestions or comments whatsoever please feel free to post. Enjoy!

Code: Select all

' MediaMonkey Script
' NAME: ImportXMCDplus v1.0 (a variation of trixmoto's ImportXMCD v1.2)
' ORIG. AUTHOR: trixmoto (
' DATE : 02/09/2007
' Additional code added by Warren W. (Dec. 2011)
'    -Created input boxes for Genre, Album Side, and Comments
' INSTALL: Copy to Scripts directory and add the following to Scripts.ini 
'          Don't forget to remove comments (') and set the order appropriately
' FIXES: Fixed track titles don't necessarily contain artist names
' [ImportXMCDplus]
' FileName=ImportXMCDplus.vbs
' ProcName=ImportXMCDplus
' Order=30
' DisplayName=Import XMCD Plus
' Description=Import tags from xmcd file and edit additional fields, useful for tracking a vinyl (or other media) collection within MediaMonkey
' Language=VBScript
' ScriptType=0

Option Explicit

Sub ImportXMCDplus
  'get filename
  Dim dlg : Set dlg = SDB.CommonDialog
  dlg.Filter = "XMCD file|*.*"
  dlg.Flags = cdlOFNOverwritePrompt + cdlOFNHideReadOnly + cdlOFNNoChangeDir
  dlg.InitDir = SDB.MyMusicPath
  If Not dlg.Ok Then 
    Exit Sub 
  End If

  'read file
  Dim alb : alb = ""
  Dim art : art = ""
  Dim yea : yea = ""
  Dim gen : gen = ""
  Dim tra : tra = 0
  Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Dim txt : Set txt = fso.OpenTextFile(dlg.FileName,1,False)
  Dim MediaG : MediaG = InputBox ("Genre")
  Dim comment : comment = InputBox ("Comments")
  Do While Not txt.AtEndOfStream
    Dim str : str = Trim(txt.ReadLine)
    If Left(str,1) = "#" Then
      Dim pos : pos = InStr(str,"=")
      If pos > 0 Then
        Dim tag : tag = Left(str,pos-1)
        Dim val : val = Mid(str,pos+1)
        Select Case Left(tag,4)
          Case "DTIT"
            art = Left(val,InStr(val," / ")-1) 
            alb = Mid(val,InStr(val," / ")+3)
          Case "DYEA"
            yea = val
          Case "DGEN"      
            gen = val
          Case "TTIT"
            tra = tra + 1
            Dim itm : Set itm = SDB.NewSongData
            Dim Albumside : Albumside = InputBox ("Track "&tra&" - Album Side:")
            itm.AlbumName = alb
            itm.AlbumArtistName = art
            itm.Year = yea
            itm.Genre = MediaG
            itm.comment = comment
            If InStr(val," / ") > 0 Then
              itm.Title = Mid(val,InStr(val," / ")+3)
              itm.ArtistName = Left(val,InStr(val," / ")-1)
              itm.Title = Albumside&")  "&val
              itm.ArtistName = art
            End If
            itm.TrackOrder = tra
        End Select        
      End If
    End If
  Call SDB.MessageBox("ImportXMCDplus: "&tra&" tracks successfully created.",mtInformation,Array(mbOk))
End Sub
PS - sorry I don't have anywhere to host an installer. Just follow trixmoto's original instructions and you'll be golden. :D