I am not sure if this is a normal behaviour, but on my car (FIAT 500) playlists created by the MediaMonkey are not recognized.
The path of the entries look like "..\..\..\MP3\Album\Interpret\Track.mp3", when I change this (with a text editor) to "\MP3\Album\Interpret\Track.mp3" everything works.
My question, who is doing the wrong thing? And - beside this - is it possible to let the MediaMonkey create FIAT-compatible playlists with no manually hand work?
PS this is a new question - I've tried to find something similar in the forum, but searching for strings like "../.." do not work
Playlist with absolute/relative Path...
Moderator: Gurus
- Posts: 54
- Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:31 am
Re: Playlist with absolute/relative Path...
There are scripts to export playlists in both ways, with relative and absolute paths. Trixmoto made them once and I changed some little details to fit my needs.
In my "Report"-Menu, I got two options: Playlists relative, Playlists iTunes and Playlists absolute.
Here are the necessary codes:
First the relevant part of Scripts.ini
And these are the Scripts:
I hope you can use it. These scripts solved my playlist-export problems in MediaMonkey ever since.
In my "Report"-Menu, I got two options: Playlists relative, Playlists iTunes and Playlists absolute.
Here are the necessary codes:
First the relevant part of Scripts.ini
Code: Select all
DisplayName=All Playlists absolute(&M3U)
DisplayName=All Playlists iTunes
DisplayName=All Playlists relative (&M3U)
And these are the Scripts:
Code: Select all
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' This file can be replaced in one of the future versions,
' so please if you want to modify it, make a copy, do your
' modifications in that copy and change Scripts.ini file
' appropriately.
' If you do not do this, you will lose all your changes in
' this script when you install a new version of MediaMonkey
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Option Explicit ' report undefined variables, ...
' SDB variable is connected to MediaMonkey application object
' Recursively process all playlists
Sub ReadPlaylists( playlists, plst, prefix)
Dim items
Set items = plst.ChildPlaylists
If prefix<>"" Then
prefix = prefix & " - "
End If
Dim i, newplst, title
For i=0 To items.Count-1
Set newplst = items.Item(i)
title = prefix & newplst.Title
If Not playlists.exists(title) Then
playlists.Add title, newplst
End If
ReadPlaylists playlists, newplst, title
End Sub
Sub ExportM3Us
' Open inifile and get last used directory
Dim iniF
Set iniF = SDB.IniFile
' Let user select the output path
Dim path
path = iniF.StringValue( "Scripts", "LastExportM3UsDir")
path = SDB.SelectFolder( path, SDB.Localize( "Select where to export all M3U files."))
If path="" Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Right( path, 1)<>"\" Then
path = path & "\"
End If
' Write selected directory to the ini file
iniF.StringValue( "Scripts", "LastExportM3UsDir") = path
Set iniF = Nothing
' Connect to the FileSystemObject
Dim fso
Set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
Dim playlists
Set playlists = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Use progress to notify user about the current action
Dim Progress, ExpText
Set Progress = SDB.Progress
ExpText = SDB.Localize("Exporting...")
Progress.Text = ExpText
' Prepare a list of all playlists
ReadPlaylists playlists, SDB.PlaylistByTitle( ""), ""
' Go through the list and export each playlist
Dim i, iTrck, plst, fout, plsts, titles, title, tracks, trck, ln, tlen, art, tit
plsts = playlists.Items
titles = playlists.Keys
Progress.MaxValue = playlists.count
For i=0 To playlists.Count-1
Set plst = plsts(i)
Set tracks = plst.Tracks
title = Titles(i)
Progress.Text = ExpText & " (" & title & ")"
If tracks.Count>0 Then
Set fout = fso.CreateTextFile( path & fso.CorrectFilename(title) & ".m3u", True)
fout.WriteLine "#EXTM3U"
For iTrck=0 To tracks.Count-1
Set trck = tracks.Item(iTrck)
ln = "#EXTINF:"
tlen = trck.SongLength
If tlen>0 Then
ln = ln & tlen \ 1000 & ","
ln = ln & "-1,"
End If
art = trck.ArtistName
tit = trck.Title
If art<>"" Then
If tit<>"" Then
ln = ln & art & " - " & tit
ln = ln & art
End If
If tit<>"" then
ln = ln & tit
End If
End If
fout.WriteLine ln
fout.WriteLine trck.Path
End If
Progress.Value = i+1
End Sub
Code: Select all
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' This file can be replaced in one of the future versions,
' so please if you want to modify it, make a copy, do your
' modifications in that copy and change Scripts.ini file
' appropriately.
' If you do not do this, you will lose all your changes in
' this script when you install a new version of MediaMonkey
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Option Explicit ' report undefined variables, ...
' SDB variable is connected to MediaMonkey application object
' Recursively process all playlists
Sub ReadPlaylists( playlists, plst, prefix)
Dim items
Set items = plst.ChildPlaylists
If prefix<>"" Then
prefix = prefix & " - "
End If
Dim i, newplst, title
For i=0 To items.Count-1
Set newplst = items.Item(i)
title = prefix & newplst.Title
If Not playlists.exists(title) Then
playlists.Add title, newplst
End If
ReadPlaylists playlists, newplst, title
End Sub
Sub ExportM3Ui
' Open inifile and get last used directory
Dim iniF
Set iniF = SDB.IniFile
' Let user select the output path
Dim path
path = iniF.StringValue( "Scripts", "LastExportM3UsDir")
path = SDB.SelectFolder( path, SDB.Localize( "Select where to export all M3U files."))
If path="" Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Right( path, 1)<>"\" Then
path = path & "\"
End If
' Write selected directory to the ini file
iniF.StringValue( "Scripts", "LastExportM3UsDir") = path
Set iniF = Nothing
' Connect to the FileSystemObject
Dim fso
Set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
Dim playlists
Set playlists = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Use progress to notify user about the current action
Dim Progress, ExpText
Set Progress = SDB.Progress
ExpText = SDB.Localize("Exporting...")
Progress.Text = ExpText
' Prepare a list of all playlists
ReadPlaylists playlists, SDB.PlaylistByTitle( ""), ""
' Go through the list and export each playlist
Dim i, iTrck, plst, fout, plsts, titles, title, tracks, trck, ln, tlen, art, tit
plsts = playlists.Items
titles = playlists.Keys
Progress.MaxValue = playlists.count
For i=0 To playlists.Count-1
Set plst = plsts(i)
Set tracks = plst.Tracks
title = Titles(i)
Progress.Text = ExpText & " (" & title & ")"
If tracks.Count>0 Then
Set fout = fso.CreateTextFile( path & fso.CorrectFilename(title) & ".m3u", True)
For iTrck=0 To tracks.Count-1
Set trck = tracks.Item(iTrck)
ln = trck.Path
ln = "E:\MP3"+ Right(ln, len(ln)-7)
If Right(ln, 4)="flac" Then
ln = Left(ln, len(ln)-4)+"mp3"
End If
fout.WriteLine ln
End If
Progress.Value = i+1
End Sub
Code: Select all
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' This file can be replaced in one of the future versions,
' so please if you want to modify it, make a copy, do your
' modifications in that copy and change Scripts.ini file
' appropriately.
' If you do not do this, you will lose all your changes in
' this script when you install a new version of MediaMonkey
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' Modified by Trixmoto (20/10/2006)
' Modified by wolfzell (20/10/2006)
Option Explicit ' report undefined variables, ...
' SDB variable is connected to MediaMonkey application object
' Recursively process all playlists
Sub ReadPlaylists( playlists, plst, prefix)
Dim items
Set items = plst.ChildPlaylists
If prefix<>"" Then
prefix = prefix & " - "
End If
Dim i, newplst, title
For i=0 To items.Count-1
Set newplst = items.Item(i)
title = prefix & newplst.Title
If Not playlists.exists(title) Then
playlists.Add title, newplst
End If
ReadPlaylists playlists, newplst, title
End Sub
Sub ExportM3Ur
' Open inifile and get last used directory
Dim iniF
Set iniF = SDB.IniFile
' Let user select the output path
Dim path
path = iniF.StringValue( "Scripts", "LastExportM3UrDir")
path = SDB.SelectFolder( path, SDB.Localize( "Select where to export all M3U files."))
If path="" Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Right( path, 1)<>"\" Then
path = path & "\"
End If
' Write selected directory to the ini file
iniF.StringValue( "Scripts", "LastExportM3UrDir") = path
Set iniF = Nothing
' Connect to the FileSystemObject
Dim fso
Set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
Dim playlists
Set playlists = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Use progress to notify user about the current action
Dim Progress, ExpText
Set Progress = SDB.Progress
ExpText = SDB.Localize("Exporting...")
Progress.Text = ExpText
' Prepare a list of all playlists
ReadPlaylists playlists, SDB.PlaylistByTitle( ""), ""
' Go through the list and export each playlist
Dim i, iTrck, plst, fout, plsts, titles, title, tracks, trck, ln, tlen, art, tit
plsts = playlists.Items
titles = playlists.Keys
Progress.MaxValue = playlists.count
For i=0 To playlists.Count-1
Set plst = plsts(i)
Set tracks = plst.Tracks
title = Titles(i)
Progress.Text = ExpText & " (" & title & ")"
If tracks.Count>0 Then
Set fout = fso.CreateTextFile( path & fso.CorrectFilename(title) & ".m3u", True)
fout.WriteLine "#EXTM3U"
For iTrck=0 To tracks.Count-1
Set trck = tracks.Item(iTrck)
ln = "#EXTINF:"
tlen = trck.SongLength
If tlen>0 Then
ln = ln & tlen \ 1000 & ","
ln = ln & "-1,"
End If
art = trck.ArtistName
tit = trck.Title
If art<>"" Then
If tit<>"" Then
ln = ln & art & " - " & tit
ln = ln & art
End If
If tit<>"" then
ln = ln & tit
End If
End If
fout.WriteLine ln
'Trixmoto - make path relative
'fout.WriteLine trck.Path
Dim relp : relp = trck.Path
If InStr(relp,path) = 1 Then
relp = Replace(relp,path,"")
End If
fout.WriteLine relp
End If
Progress.Value = i+1
End Sub
Re: Playlist with absolute/relative Path...
Just a small fix to get the relative paths even if the destination folder is deeper than the track. E.g. destination path is /My Songs/mp3/playlists and tracks are in /My Songs/mp3.
Code: Select all
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' This file can be replaced in one of the future versions,
' so please if you want to modify it, make a copy, do your
' modifications in that copy and change Scripts.ini file
' appropriately.
' If you do not do this, you will lose all your changes in
' this script when you install a new version of MediaMonkey
' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
' Modified by Trixmoto (20/10/2006)
' Modified by wolfzell (20/10/2006)
' Modified by pbergeron (14/10/2012)
Option Explicit ' report undefined variables, ...
' SDB variable is connected to MediaMonkey application object
' Recursively process all playlists
Sub ReadPlaylists( playlists, plst, prefix)
Dim items
Set items = plst.ChildPlaylists
If prefix<>"" Then
prefix = prefix & " - "
End If
Dim i, newplst, title
For i=0 To items.Count-1
Set newplst = items.Item(i)
title = prefix & newplst.Title
If Not playlists.exists(title) Then
playlists.Add title, newplst
End If
ReadPlaylists playlists, newplst, title
End Sub
Sub ExportM3Ur
' Open inifile and get last used directory
Dim iniF
Set iniF = SDB.IniFile
' Let user select the output path
Dim path
path = iniF.StringValue( "Scripts", "LastExportM3UrDir")
path = SDB.SelectFolder( path, SDB.Localize( "Select where to export all M3U files."))
If path="" Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Right( path, 1)<>"\" Then
path = path & "\"
End If
' Write selected directory to the ini file
iniF.StringValue( "Scripts", "LastExportM3UrDir") = path
Set iniF = Nothing
' Connect to the FileSystemObject
Dim fso
Set fso = SDB.Tools.FileSystem
Dim fsys
Set fsys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim playlists
Set playlists = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Use progress to notify user about the current action
Dim Progress, ExpText
Set Progress = SDB.Progress
ExpText = SDB.Localize("Exporting...")
Progress.Text = ExpText
' Prepare a list of all playlists
ReadPlaylists playlists, SDB.PlaylistByTitle( ""), ""
' Go through the list and export each playlist
Dim i, iTrck, plst, fout, plsts, titles, title, tracks, trck, ln, tlen, art, tit
plsts = playlists.Items
titles = playlists.Keys
Progress.MaxValue = playlists.count
For i=0 To playlists.Count-1
Set plst = plsts(i)
Set tracks = plst.Tracks
title = Titles(i)
Progress.Text = ExpText & " (" & title & ")"
If tracks.Count>0 Then
Set fout = fso.CreateTextFile( path & fso.CorrectFilename(title) & ".m3u", True)
fout.WriteLine "#EXTM3U"
For iTrck=0 To tracks.Count-1
Set trck = tracks.Item(iTrck)
ln = "#EXTINF:"
tlen = trck.SongLength
If tlen>0 Then
ln = ln & tlen \ 1000 & ","
ln = ln & "-1,"
End If
art = trck.ArtistName
tit = trck.Title
If art<>"" Then
If tit<>"" Then
ln = ln & art & " - " & tit
ln = ln & art
End If
If tit<>"" then
ln = ln & tit
End If
End If
fout.WriteLine ln
'Trixmoto - make path relative
'fout.WriteLine trck.Path
'Use short filenames to be WiiMC compatible
Dim relp : relp = trck.Path
If InStr(relp, path) = 1 Then
relp = Replace(relp, path, "")
'pbergeron - Destination path isn't in track's path... Walk to the root
Dim rpath : rpath = path
Dim pfold : pfold = ""
Do While rpath <> "" And InStr(relp, rpath) <> 1
rpath = fsys.GetParentFolderName(rpath)
pfold = fsys.BuildPath(pfold, "..")
If rpath <> "" Then
relp = fsys.BuildPath(pfold, Replace(relp, rpath, ""))
End If
End If
fout.WriteLine relp
End If
Progress.Value = i+1
End Sub