Some things I miss from Windows Media Player

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Some things I miss from Windows Media Player

Post by Breydel »


I recently changed from Windows Media Player to MediaMonkey and I really like MM so far. But there are also some features I was grown used to in WMP as well that I would like to configure in MM as well (if possible, if not then I'll put it in the suggestions forum :p).

1) Is it possible to specify the different view abilities (Show Details, Show Album Art) per library sub section? For example in WMP I had the Show album Art when I was in the album heading of my library, but when I was viewing my library from amy other section then I would still see all tracks with details. I would like to set MM up this way as well if possible.

2) When you are in the Show Album Art view browsing through your albums in your library, would it be possible to change the behaviour of double clicking on an album in your library? Now it adds the entire album to the Now Playing list which is not what I prefer. I rather have it view the contents of the album in the library in the "Show Details" view (just like WMP did).
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Re: Some things I miss from Windows Media Player

Post by nohitter151 »

Neither of these are possible but would be good additions to the wishlist for MM.
MediaMonkey user since 2006
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Re: Some things I miss from Windows Media Player

Post by MM3 monkey »

1. I don't know if either will do what you want but you probably want to look at these two scripts:

View Mode [MM3] - Remember Node Specific View Settings

View Manager v1.5 (08-10-08) [MM3]

2. If my suggestion gets implemented, when you click on an album's name when you are currently in Album Art View (the album's name is an underlined link to take you to the album's node) the view will change to Album Art + Details. It's not exactly what you want but will be a great improvement.

Here's the link: Art View shld auto-change to Art+Details when u go to album

Anyway, I can't believe anyone actually uses WMP. Ugh. Nasty! You won't go back, I'm sure. Have fun.

PS. I found this thread too. Different views for every playlist There are probably more like it. You might want to try a search yourself. The trouble is that the word "View" is in all the topics' URLs which is a royal pain in the posterior in this particular case!! Good luck.

EDIT: Also, just by the way.... this skin might make you feel more at home. It's a good one. Windows Media Player 11-skin [MM3] v1.3 released - NEW!
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