MediaMonkey Serial # online??

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MediaMonkey Serial # online??

Post by Brad »

it's not fair that i paid good money for media monkey gold and all the while the registration code was available for FREE on the web at this link.

i hope you will take legal action

--serial number link edited--
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serials & cracks

Post by rusty »

Are you serious? You're complaining that you feel ripped off because you paid when you could have 'stolen' an upgrade to MediaMonkey Gold?

There's not much that I can do about this other than add much more intrusive copy protection to MediaMonkey and that's something that we've tried to avoid until now. Hopefully it won't become necessary.

note: I've removed the link you posted for obvious reasons.

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Post by FurAnt »


Don't you think this would have been a better served through an e-mail or personal mail to Rusty or Jiri?

There will always be cracks. Rusty may be able to slow down the cracking process by a few CPU-minutes, but the bottom line is that MediaMonkey Free Version is feature-rich and the Gold version is a bargain at three times the price, in my not so humble opinion.


Post by Brad »

i feel like an eskimo that just bought a bag of ice
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eskimos and serial numbers

Post by rusty »


Don't feel too bad--consider that without the support of you and others like you MediaMonkey would cease to exist.


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Post by Lowlander »

And remember that in that reasoning no purchase of software would make you feel good as every piece software can be obtained illegally. But if we all would do that you would have no software being created anymore.

OK open-source is free, but it doesn't come cheap in the end.

It would be the same if you would go to your car dealer complaining that you paid for a car that can go faster than the speed limit. You're never gonna be allowed to use it, yet you paid for it.
Last edited by Lowlander on Fri Oct 01, 2004 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Guest »

Brad wrote:i feel like an eskimo that just bought a bag of ice
Following your logic, next time you go to any store remember to steal something. Heck, others are doing it, why should you pay for it?
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cracked MM

Post by GeoffC »

Like many people I have come by free software and fortunately my employer buys all the general software that I need and want. However as soon as I found MM I had no hesitation in buying a registered copy. Lets face it the free version is a gift. For some time I had been looking for the solution to managing and playing my growing music collection and I found that MM was exactly what I was looking for. In some way I wanted to reward the creator and with the purchase of a lifetime licence financial support to the creators may prolong the development of the product. In reality if you are happy with the product (as I am) and you havent been forced into buying the product due to lack of alternatives and the product is not overpriced there can be no complaint.
I have been very dissappointed with many other music managers but as yet I can only offer praise for MM. Its great. Thanks

Re: cracked MM

Post by DiddeLeeDoo »

GeoffC wrote:happy with the product
I agree 100% GeoffC, and as you I had no hesitation in getting a lifetime lisence. After trying just about everthing available out there, MM is a clear winner, and we have to provide these guys some pizza's!!


Post by mw »

I realize this posting is old... but I have to point this out just in case someone sees it... you're like the stupid kid in high school who would say in a high-pitched voice "uh, excuse me, teacher, but you forgot to collect the homework today"... as you adjusted the tape on your glasses and your pocket protector. loser.

Post by Anon »

Yes.... I have "downed" a reg code for MM on the net....yes I now have MM Gold WITHOUT paying for it......BUT HEY, THERE'S A CATCH!

At first, I couldn't get arround MM at all. I found it illogical, things woulden't go where I wanted them to, it wasn't not pleasant to look at and RATHER "nerdy"....(In other words, all the hoopla about scripts and what not, made it a pain in the ass to use compared to outofTunes....)

But I have been TRYING to get used to it, I have edited my entire 100GB library and it all looks clean and everything is pretty much in order. Best thing is, I'm getting used to using MM. I STILL think iTunes looks a LOT better and is easier to use. MM is still pretty "nerdy", but I am sort of a nerd, so I can get arround it.

In the end, I'm getting used to MM and I have desided to pay for a lifelong reg code....but HEY, I didn't want to PAY for it, when I detested it in the first place.......

BTW: Good work to The MM Team.......but there is still a long way to go....
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Post by wdharrison »

Do you know what really annoys me? I have been buying stuff in stores for years and I just found out that if you hide it in your pocket and sneak it out of the store you can get it for free!
This paying for stuff is a total rip-off! I am going to write to the owners of all my local stores and complain.

Re: MediaMonkey Serial # online??

Post by jrcorn »

In my opinion free software is great to try and that MM has given out a fully functioning version
for free is great. I would much rather use/ try and test the software first before I buy. after using
it for 1 year and with no glitches and a clean track record I paid the small fee when I had some spare
cash which I see as an extremely fair way to support MM.
Its paying upfront for something that I don't know will perform or not and finding out that it sucks
and feeling ripped off .. is when I stop paying for stuff like that.... especially when your like me and
love playing around with new software programs. If it's useful and you can use it then make a donation.
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Re: cracked MM

Post by Breydel »

GeoffC wrote:Like many people I have come by free software and fortunately my employer buys all the general software that I need and want. However as soon as I found MM I had no hesitation in buying a registered copy. Lets face it the free version is a gift. For some time I had been looking for the solution to managing and playing my growing music collection and I found that MM was exactly what I was looking for. In some way I wanted to reward the creator and with the purchase of a lifetime licence financial support to the creators may prolong the development of the product. In reality if you are happy with the product (as I am) and you havent been forced into buying the product due to lack of alternatives and the product is not overpriced there can be no complaint.
I have been very dissappointed with many other music managers but as yet I can only offer praise for MM. Its great. Thanks
I fully agree. I even bought the lifetime version without giving the free version a try first. But I did a lot of forum research on all the popular media players (mainly Winamp, Foobar2000 and MediaMonkey) versus Windows Media Player (since I have been using WMP for years and got used to it). Since I saw so many positive reviews on MM (and in contrast Foobar2000 seemed to have a too high learning curve for my taste), I decided to buy the lifetime version since a lot of the extra features are things I really wanted for my music library. I guess I could have searched for a pirated version as well but since I saw this was software from devellopers that frequently release updates and I value a good working (and supported) media player a lot, the choice was easily made to dish out +/- 40 Euro and pay for lifetime. Actually that lifetime possibility was also something I liked a lot. There is nothing more annoying than buying software and finding out 6 months later a new version comes out and you need to pay again.
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Re: MediaMonkey Serial # online??

Post by Peke »

I completely agree it happened me more than once that I buy software that in 6 months needs to bought again :( Fortunately MediaMonkey team decided that any user that bought MM 2.x gold in 2007 are entitled to get 3.x license. I've found that a good crowd control/riots prevention.
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