Autoplaylist, tempo, etc.

Beta Testing for Windows Products and plugins

Moderator: Gurus


Autoplaylist, tempo, etc.

Post by Me »


1. I deleted the default Top 50 and Last 50 played autoplaylist while house cleaning. I could easily recreate the Top 50, but I can't recreate the Last 50 because the Last Played filed is not available in the Query. How can I recreate it ?

2. Aslo, I wanted to created an Autolist for all songs containing lyrics, but the Lyrics field allow only Start With, Contains and Equals. It would need something like "not empty". How can I do that ?

3. I found an easy way to to Queue all Accessible Songs at once into a playlist, with one right-click. Only need to create an Autolist with Status = is accessible. Unless this option is to be packaged only with the Gold version, that could be an interesting default Playlist.

4. There are no node under File to Edit for Unknown Rating and Unknown classification. Wouldn't make more sense to have such nodes. Otherwise, Tempo and Classification are easily neglected.

The beta is really cool. 8)
Posts: 8424
Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:39 am
Location: Montreal, Canada

Post by rusty »


1. There are 2 ways to do this:
a) if you have 'Songs-DB Gold' you can create a new Auto-Playlist with the following query:
Field: Played, Condition: >, Value: 0, Sort Order: By Last Played (descending), Limit Results to: 50
b) if you don't have 'Songs-DB Gold' you can uninstall Songs-DB, delete the \Program Files\Songs-DB\Data directory, and then re-install Songs-DB. When it's re-installed, the missing nodes will be recreated -- not the most elegant solution, but it works for now...

2) Build 506 has some problems with Lyrics queries that should be resolved during the beta...

3) In 'Files to Edit', there is an 'Accessible Tracks' node, but I like your idea--it would probably make more sense to make this node a Playlist.

4) Beta 3 includes 'Unclassified tracks'. 'Unknown ratings' needs to be added...

Thanks for the feedback.


Post by Me »

1. Works. Thanks
2. OK
3. Happy :D
4. OK
Posts: 8424
Joined: Tue Apr 29, 2003 3:39 am
Location: Montreal, Canada

Post by rusty »

In beta 4:
Item 2) has been fixed. Searching for lyrics now works as expected. If you want to search for any track that has any lyrics, try searching for a <space>
Item 3) has been changed.
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