Is it worth to maintain a folder structure?

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Re: Is it worth to maintain a folder structure?

Post by disone »

I'm quite happy with my folder structure. Basically (...) its

Code: Select all

F:\Audio\Albums\<Album Artist>\(<Year>) <Album>\$if(<Disc#>,<Disc#>-,)$if($len(<Track#>)<3,<Track#:2>,<Track#>) <Artist> - <Title>
All audio is on a PC and I use AlbumPlayer on my laptop to play the music with. Has some nice features.... *wink*wink*

For tagging large amounts of files I use TagScanner. When done tagging (basics, for the rule above) I place the files in my "import" folder and files are renamed and moved correctly. Importing inncorrect tags often result in unfindable files, so I prefer to ceorrect them before MM sorts them.

For genres I use the basics from Discogs and these are down to maybe 14 different types.
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