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Import M3U 3.8 - Updated 26/10/2013

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 7:26 am
by trixmoto
As requested, here is a script that imports M3U playlists, creating a playlist named the same as the filename (minus extension).

An installer for this script can be found on my website.

Code: Select all

' MediaMonkey Script
' NAME: ImportM3U 3.8
' AUTHOR: trixmoto (
' DATE : 26/10/2013
' INSTALL: Copy to Scripts directory and add the following to Scripts.ini 
'          Don't forget to remove comments (') and set the order appropriately
' [ImportM3U]
' FileName=ImportM3U.vbs
' ProcName=ImportM3U
' Order=10
' DisplayName=ImportM3U
' Description=Import M3U playlist
' Language=VBScript
' ScriptType=0 
' FIXES: Fixed WriteLock/ReadLock errors
'        Fixed fuzzy matching of filenames
'        Added additional debug messaging

Option Explicit

Dim IgnoreExt : IgnoreExt = False
Dim IgnorePun : IgnorePun = False
Dim CreateNew : CreateNew = False
Dim CreateLog : CreateLog = False
Dim AppendNew : AppendNew = False
Dim ImportDir : ImportDir = False

Sub ImportM3U
  Dim ini : Set ini = SDB.IniFile
  If ini.ValueExists("ImportM3U","IgnoreExt") Then
    IgnoreExt = ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","IgnoreExt")
    ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","IgnoreExt") = IgnoreExt
  End If
  If ini.ValueExists("ImportM3U","IgnorePun") Then
    IgnorePun = ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","IgnorePun")
    ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","IgnorePun") = IgnorePun
  End If  
  If ini.ValueExists("ImportM3U","CreateNew") Then
    CreateNew = ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","CreateNew")
    ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","CreateNew") = CreateNew
  End If  
  If ini.ValueExists("ImportM3U","CreateLog") Then
    CreateLog = ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","CreateLog")
    ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","CreateLog") = CreateLog
  End If  
  If ini.ValueExists("ImportM3U","AppendNew") Then
    AppendNew = ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","AppendNew")
    ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","AppendNew") = AppendNew
  End If            
  'get filename
  Dim dir : dir = ini.StringValue("Scripts","LastImportM3UDir")
  Dim res : res = SDB.SelectFolder(dir,"Select folder of playlists:")
  If res = "" Then
    ImportDir = False
    Dim dlg : Set dlg = SDB.CommonDialog
    dlg.DefaultExt = ".m3u"
    dlg.Filter = "Playlists (*.m3u)|*.m3u|Unicode playlists (*.m3u8)|*.m3u8|All files (*.*)|*.*"
    dlg.Flags = cdlOFNOverwritePrompt+cdlOFNHideReadOnly+cdlOFNNoChangeDir
    If dir = "" Then
      dlg.InitDir = SDB.MyMusicPath
      dlg.InitDir = dir
    End If
    If Not dlg.Ok Then 
      Exit Sub
    End If
    res = dlg.FileName
    ini.StringValue("Scripts","LastImportM3UDir") = Left(res,InStrRev(res,"\"))
    ImportDir = True
    If Right(res,1) <> "\" Then
      res = res&"\"
    End If 
    ini.StringValue("Scripts","LastImportM3UDir") = res        
  End If
  'show confirmation screen
  Dim Form : Set Form = SDB.UI.NewForm
  Form.Common.SetRect 100, 100, 270, 210
  Form.BorderStyle  = 3   ' Non-Resizable
  Form.FormPosition = 4   ' Screen Center
  Form.SavePositionName = "ImportM3UPos"
  Form.Caption = "Import M3U"  
  Dim ChkIgnoreExt : Set ChkIgnoreExt = SDB.UI.NewCheckbox(Form)
  ChkIgnoreExt.Common.Left = 10
  ChkIgnoreExt.Common.Top = 10
  ChkIgnoreExt.Common.Width = 265
  ChkIgnoreExt.Caption = "Ignore track extension?" 
  ChkIgnoreExt.Checked = IgnoreExt
  Dim ChkIgnorePun : Set ChkIgnorePun = SDB.UI.NewCheckbox(Form)
  ChkIgnorePun.Common.Left = 10
  ChkIgnorePun.Common.Top = ChkIgnoreExt.Common.Top +25
  ChkIgnorePun.Common.Width = 265
  ChkIgnorePun.Caption = "Ignore punctuation in filename?" 
  ChkIgnorePun.Checked = IgnorePun
  Dim ChkCreateNew : Set ChkCreateNew = SDB.UI.NewCheckbox(Form)
  ChkCreateNew.Common.Left = 10
  ChkCreateNew.Common.Top = ChkIgnorePun.Common.Top +25
  ChkCreateNew.Common.Width = 265
  ChkCreateNew.Caption = "Create tracks not found in library?" 
  ChkCreateNew.Checked = CreateNew

  Dim ChkAppendNew : Set ChkAppendNew = SDB.UI.NewCheckbox(Form)
  ChkAppendNew.Common.Left = 10
  ChkAppendNew.Common.Top = ChkCreateNew.Common.Top +25
  ChkAppendNew.Common.Width = 265
  ChkAppendNew.Caption = "Include created tracks in playlist?" 
  ChkAppendNew.Checked = AppendNew
  Dim ChkCreateLog : Set ChkCreateLog = SDB.UI.NewCheckbox(Form)
  ChkCreateLog.Common.Left = 10
  ChkCreateLog.Common.Top = ChkAppendNew.Common.Top +25
  ChkCreateLog.Common.Width = 265
  ChkCreateLog.Caption = "Create logfile in temporary directory?" 
  ChkCreateLog.Checked = CreateLog      
  Dim BtnCancel : Set BtnCancel = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
  BtnCancel.Caption = "&Cancel"
  BtnCancel.Cancel = True
  BtnCancel.ModalResult = 2
  BtnCancel.Common.Left = Form.Common.Width - BtnCancel.Common.Width -20
  BtnCancel.Common.Top = ChkCreateLog.Common.Top +30
  Dim BtnOk : Set BtnOk = SDB.UI.NewButton(Form)
  BtnOk.Caption = "&Ok"
  BtnOk.Default = True
  BtnOk.ModalResult = 1
  BtnOk.Common.Left = BtnCancel.Common.Left - BtnOk.Common.Width -10
  BtnOk.Common.Top = BtnCancel.Common.Top   
  'show form
  If Form.ShowModal <> 1 Then
    Exit Sub
  End If
  'save settings
  IgnoreExt = ChkIgnoreExt.Checked
  IgnorePun = ChkIgnorePun.Checked
  CreateNew = ChkCreateNew.Checked
  AppendNew = ChkAppendNew.Checked
  CreateLog = ChkCreateLog.Checked   
  ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","IgnoreExt") = IgnoreExt
  ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","IgnorePun") = IgnorePun
  ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","CreateNew") = CreateNew
  ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","AppendNew") = AppendNew
  ini.BoolValue("ImportM3U","CreateLog") = CreateLog
  'read folder
  Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Dim dic : Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  Dim dat : Set dat = Nothing
  Dim prog : Set prog = SDB.Progress
  Dim name : name = "" 
  Dim i : i = 1
  Dim j : j = 0
  Dim k : k = 0
  If ImportDir Then
    Dim f : Set f = fso.GetFolder(res)
    Dim fs : Set fs = f.Files
    For Each f In fs
      Dim n : n = UCase(f.Name)
      If (Right(n,4) = ".M3U") Or (Right(n,5) = ".M3U8") Then
        j = j+1
        dic.Item("#"&j) = res&f.Name  
      End If
    j = 1
  End If

  'read file
  For i = 1 To j
    If j = 1 Then
      If ImportDir Then
        res = dic.Item("#1")
      End If
      prog.Text = "Opening file: "&res
      res = dic.Item("#"&i)
      prog.Text = "Opening file "&i&" of "&j&": "&res
    End If
    prog.Value = 0
    prog.MaxValue = 10
    If fso.FileExists(res) Then
      If CreateLog Then debug("(Open)"&res)
      Dim file : Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(res,1,False)
      name = fso.getFileName(res)
      name = Mid(name,1,InStrRev(name,".")-1)
      prog.Text = "Creating playlist: "&name
      'check playlist name
      Dim total : total = 0
      Dim count : count = 0
      Dim found : found = 0
      Dim mess : mess = ""    
      Dim indx : Set indx = SDB.NewStringList
      Dim list : Set list = SDB.PlaylistByTitle("").CreateChildPlaylist(name)
      If list.Tracks.Count > 0 Then
        mess = "Playlist '"&name&"' already exists with "&list.Tracks.Count&" tracks, do you wish to overwrite this playlist?"
        mess = mess&Chr(13)&Chr(13)&"Click 'Yes' to overwrite and 'No' to append."
        Select Case SDB.MessageBox(mess,mtConfirmation,Array(mbYes,mbNo,mbCancel))
          Case mrYes
            Call list.Clear()
          Case mrNo
            'do nothing
          Case Else
            Exit Sub
        End Select
        If CreateLog Then Call debug("Updating playlist: "&list.ID)  
        If CreateLog Then Call debug("Creating playlist: "&list.ID)  
      End If
      'add tracks
      Do While Not (file.AtEndOfStream)
        Dim line : line = file.ReadLine
        mess = line
        If Left(line,1) <> "#" Then
          prog.Value = total
          total = total+1
          If total > prog.MaxValue Then
            prog.MaxValue = total
          End If
          prog.Text = "Processing track "&total&" (found: "&found&") - "&mess
          'process line
          line = Mid(line,InStrRev(line,"\")+1)
          If IgnoreExt Then
            If InStr(line,".") > 0 Then
              line = Left(line,InStrRev(line,"."))&"%"
            End If
          End If        
          If IgnorePun Then
            line = RemovePunctuation(line)         
            line = Replace(line,"'","''")
          End If     
          Dim boo : boo = False
          If Left(line,1) = "%" Then
            line = Mid(line,2)
          End If
          If Right(line,1) = "%" Then
            line = Left(line,Len(line)-1)
          End If
          line = Replace(line,"%","%' AND SongPath LIKE '%")
          Dim sql : sql = "AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%"&line&"%')"
          Dim tid : tid = -1
          'check library
          Set dat = SDB.Database
          If CreateLog Then Call debug("#BEGINTRANSACTION")  
          Call dat.BeginTransaction()
          If CreateLog Then Call debug("#"&sql)  
          Dim trax : Set trax = dat.QuerySongs(sql)
          If trax.EOF Then
            If CreateLog Then Call debug("Not found: "&mess)          
            boo = True
            found = found+1
            While Not trax.EOF 'loop through library tracks
              count = count+1
              tid = CStr(trax.Item.ID)
              If CreateLog Then Call debug("Found: "&tid)          
              Call indx.Add(tid) 'add track to playlist
              If prog.Terminate Then
                Set trax = Nothing                
                If CreateLog Then Call debug("#COMMIT")  
                Call dat.Commit()
                If CreateLog Then debug("(Close)"&res)
                Call file.Close()
                Exit Sub 
              End If          
          End If
          Set trax = Nothing
          If CreateLog Then Call debug("#COMMIT")  
          Call dat.Commit()          
          Set dat = Nothing
          'add track not in library
          If boo And CreateNew Then
            Set dat = SDB.Database
            If CreateLog Then Call debug("#BEGINTRANSACTION")  
            Call dat.BeginTransaction()  
            Dim itm : Set itm = SDB.NewSongData
            itm.Path = mess
            Call itm.ReadTags()
            If CreateLog Then Call debug("#UPDATEDB")
            Call itm.UpdateDB()
            If itm.Title = "" Then
              Call itm.MetadataFromFilename()
              If CreateLog Then Call debug("#UPDATEDB")
              Call itm.UpdateDB()
            End If
            Call itm.UpdateArtist()
            Call itm.UpdateAlbum()           
            If CreateLog Then Call debug("#COMMIT")  
            Call dat.Commit()
            Set dat = Nothing
            tid = CStr(itm.ID)
            If CreateLog Then Call debug("Created: "&tid)  
            'add track to playlist
            If AppendNew Then
              count = count+1
              Call indx.Add(tid)
            End If
          End If          
        End If
        If prog.Terminate Then
          If CreateLog Then debug("(Close)"&res)
          Call file.Close()
          Exit Sub 
        End If
      'close file
      If j = 1 Then 
        prog.Text = "Closing file: "&res
        prog.Text = "Closing file "&i&" of "&j&": "&res
      End If      
      If CreateLog Then debug("(Close)"&res)
      Call file.Close()
      'update playlist
      If indx.Count > 0 Then
        For k = 0 To indx.Count-1
          Dim t : t = CLng(indx.Item(k))
          If CreateLog Then Call debug("Adding to playlist: "&t)  
          Call list.AddTrackById(t) 
      End If      
      If CreateLog Then Call debug("Finished")  
      'show message
      If j = 1 Then
        If count = total Then
          If count = 0 Then
            Call SDB.MessageBox("No tracks were imported.",mtError,Array(mbOk))  
            Call SDB.MessageBox("Playlist successfully imported.",mtInformation,Array(mbOk))
          End If
          If count < total Then
            Call SDB.MessageBox("Some tracks are missing in this playlist.",mtError,Array(mbOk))
            Call SDB.MessageBox("Some tracks appear more than once in this playlist.",mtError,Array(mbOk))
          End If
        End If
      End If
      If j = 1 Then
        Call SDB.MessageBox("Playlist could not be found",mtError,Array(mbOk))
      End If
    End If
  'show playlist
  If name <> "" Then
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim tree : Set tree = SDB.MainTree
    Dim node : Set node = tree.Node_Playlists
    node.Expanded = True
    Set node = tree.FirstChildNode(node)
    While node.Caption <> name
      Set node = tree.NextSiblingNode(node)
      If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
        Exit Sub
      End If
    tree.CurrentNode = node
    On Error Resume Next
  End If
End Sub 

Function RemovePunctuation(str)
  Dim i : i = 0
  For i = 1 To Len(str)
    Dim pos : pos = Mid(str,i,1)
      pos = "%"
    End If
    RemovePunctuation = RemovePunctuation&pos
  While (InStr(RemovePunctuation,"%%") > 0)
    RemovePunctuation = Replace(RemovePunctuation,"%%","%")
End Function

Sub debug(txt)
  Dim loc : loc = SDB.TemporaryFolder
  If Right(loc,1) = "\" Then
    loc = loc&"ImportM3U.log"
    loc = loc&"\ImportM3U.log"
  End If
  Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Dim logf : Set logf = fso.OpenTextFile(loc,8,True)
  Call logf.WriteLine(txt)
  Call logf.Close()
End Sub

Sub Install()
  Dim inip : inip = SDB.ApplicationPath&"Scripts\Scripts.ini"
  Dim inif : Set inif = SDB.Tools.IniFileByPath(inip)
  If Not (inif Is Nothing) Then
    inif.StringValue("ImportM3U","Filename") = "ImportM3U.vbs"
    inif.StringValue("ImportM3U","Procname") = "ImportM3U"
    inif.StringValue("ImportM3U","Order") = "10"
    inif.StringValue("ImportM3U","DisplayName") = "Import M3U"
    inif.StringValue("ImportM3U","Description") = "Import M3U playlist"
    inif.StringValue("ImportM3U","Language") = "VBScript"
    inif.StringValue("ImportM3U","ScriptType") = "0"
  End If
End Sub

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:41 am
by trixmoto
New version is hugely more efficient and no longer needs the tracks to be in the main window.


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:20 am
by trixmoto
This version has a few bugs fixed. It has been pointed out that MM actually does a rather good job of this so this script is in fact pointless. So this will be the final version! :)


Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:05 am
by trixmoto
New version (2.2) is now useful again! It can be downloaded from my website. Changes include...

- Now searches for filename in database, not full path
- Added open file dialog
- Added focus set to playlist after import

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:19 pm
by wolfzell
Thanx for the script. This is very useful.

Still I have two questions:

Is there also an export script to export all playlists in MM to m3u files?

And: Would it be possible for you to change the script in such a way that it ignores the file extension?

Because: I changed all my files to flac on my main system. On the road I have mp3 versions on the notebook to charge my iPod. It would be very handy if I could exchange the playlists without editing them every time.

The filenames are the same on both systems of course, just the extension is different.


Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:45 pm
by trixmoto
1) Try "File, Export to Playlist" or Ctrl+W.

2) I will incorporate this in the next version.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:29 pm
by trixmoto
New version (2.3) has the option to ignore file extensions. You'll need to edit the variable in the scriptfile.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:24 am
by wolfzell
trixmoto wrote:1) Try "File, Export to Playlist" or Ctrl+W.
Maybe I am stupid, but I don't quite get it. If I have about 50 playlists in MediaMonkey that I want to export to my notebook, how can I export all playlists at once this way?
2) I will incorporate this in the next version.
Yeehaw! Thank you *SO* much!


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:24 am
by trixmoto
There is a script that is shipped with MM called "ExportM3Us" - use that to do many at once.

Have you tried the new version? Does it work for you?

Runtime error

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:35 am
by grmbrand
Hey there--
I installed your script, but when I run it, I see the following:
There was a problem querying the database:
22018:[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid pattern string
I hit the cancel button on that alert and then I see:
Error #-2147418113 - SongsDB.SDBDatabase
22018:[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid pattern string
File: "C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\Scripts\ImportM3U.vbs", Line: 65, Column:19
I hit the OK button and then I see:
Error happened during script execution:
22018:[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid pattern string
I hit the OK button again and then I am back in MediaMonkey.

Any ideas? Do I need to update something?


Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:58 am
by trixmoto
Can you open the script file in a text editor and insert this line...

Code: Select all

Call debug(sql)
...before line 65, which is...

Code: Select all

Dim trax : Set trax = SDB.Database.QuerySongs(sql)
This will create a logfile called "ImportM3U.vbs.log" in the same folder - could you email me this logfile?

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:50 pm
by grmbrand
I've sent it along, but for the history books, the log file is:

Code: Select all

AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%\E:/Media/Music/Compilations/Chosen_ Absolutely Kosher Records Sample/04 Riot Act.mp3')
AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%\E:/Media/Music/Röyksopp/Melody A.M_/01 So Easy.mp3')
AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%\E:/Media/Music/Love and Rockets/Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven/07 Saudade.mp3')
AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%\E:/Media/Music/Divination/Ambient Dub, Vol. 2 - Dead Slow/05 Dream Light.mp3')
AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%\E:/Media/Music/The Alan Parsons Project/Eye in the Sky/02 Eye in the Sky.mp3')
AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%\E:/Media/Music/Incubus/Make Yourself/08 Drive.mp3')
AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%\E:/Media/Music/Fila Brazillia/Brazilification/1-08 Freedom (feat. Dj Food).mp3')
AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%\E:/Media/Music/Pendulum/Hold Your Colour/03 Plasticworld (feat. Fats & TC).mp3')
AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%\E:/Media/Music/Matisyahu/Shake Off the Dust... ARISE/04 King Without A Crown.mp3')
AND (Songs.SongPath LIKE '%\E:/Media/Music/Compilations/Hed Kandi_ Serve Chilled, Vol. 2 [Disc 1/1- 07 Eyes on You [4Hero Mix].mp3')
I'm guessing that some character in the last line wasn't properly escaped? I'm not a VB coder, so I'm not sure how it handles some of these special characters.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:53 pm
by bbrodka
This is an outstanding script! Well done

One request, something easy (I hope)
Could you create a log for files that were NOT matched fir later review with a text editor?
It would be nice to see which songs did not get imported properly from long m3u playlists

Keep up the great work, us non-programers apreciate your work :)

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:14 pm
by wolfzell
trixmoto wrote:There is a script that is shipped with MM called "ExportM3Us" - use that to do many at once.
Oh my, I never noticed it, so thank you for telling me. I *never* would have searched for such a function under "Create Reports"...
Have you tried the new version? Does it work for you?
Not yet. My external harddisk with the MP3s is in my other appartment and I won't be there before monday. You are a lot faster dishing out those scripts than I am testing them.

I will give you a note when I have tested it.

Thanks once more for your help.


Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 3:29 am
by trixmoto
New version (2.4) is now available from my website. The problem with some filenames causing SQL errors has been fixed, and any files not found are reported in the logfile. Please note this file is continuous, it does not clear itself between runs.

Thanks all for your kind words, always greatly recieved! :D