How do I get rid of non-existent series?

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How do I get rid of non-existent series?

Post by Strill »

I notice each episode of one of my series' is listed as though it were a separate series. I tried setting every tag to the same thing for all episodes of the series, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. I also notice that the affected videos don't group together when I sort by Series, even if all their tags are the same.

This has happened a couple times now. What am I missing?
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:49 am

Re: How do I get rid of non-existent series?

Post by Strill »

I figured it out. The Album Artist tag was different, even though it's not even listed on the File Properties window. You have to right-click the Series from the Media Tree, and not anywhere else, then you have to and click Properties, and realize that this is a different properties menu from the one you get if you right-click on the Summary from the Art with Details menu, and then you have to realize that mediamonkey secretly uses it to sort stuff without telling you. That's really arcane and really infuriating.
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