[SOLVED] MediaMonkey 2619 beta Change to Album's getThumbAsyc Method

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Re: MediaMonkey beta Change to Album's getThumbAsyc Method

by Ludek » Tue May 17, 2022 8:15 am

MyVikes wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 3:41 pm The getThumbAsync method until 2619 was returning, for example:
so I would replace
to get the actual absolute path of:

And just now i realized that the path is in the
"file:///C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/MediaMonkey5/Thumbs" folder and not the "Local" folder.

This is the way it's worked since i wrote the routine until v2619. Since this was a config parameter for my script i just blanked out the value being substituted in and it was good again.

Ahh, yes, this was intentional per issue https://www.ventismedia.com/mantis/view.php?id=18991 (details there)

Re: MediaMonkey beta Change to Album's getThumbAsyc Method

by MyVikes » Mon May 02, 2022 3:41 pm

I did misspell the method...good catch.

The change i'm referring to is where the jpgs are stored.

The getThumbAsync method until 2619 was returning, for example:
so I would replace
to get the actual absolute path of:

And just now i realized that the path is in the
"file:///C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/MediaMonkey5/Thumbs" folder and not the "Local" folder.

This is the way it's worked since i wrote the routine until v2619. Since this was a config parameter for my script i just blanked out the value being substituted in and it was good again.


Re: MediaMonkey beta Change to Album's getThumbAsyc Method

by Ludek » Mon May 02, 2022 1:59 pm

Can you please elaborate what do you mean by the change?

BTW: You have a typo there, it is not getThumbAsyc, but getThumbAsync

[SOLVED] MediaMonkey 2619 beta Change to Album's getThumbAsyc Method

by MyVikes » Mon May 02, 2022 7:22 am

I have a script to return the album art jpg's as B64 that started giving an error. As it turned out there was undocumented fix (https://www.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewt ... 86639&sd=d) for a longstanding issue in releases prior 2619 with the getThumbAsyc method (should be renamed getThumbLinkAsyc maybe?,
https://www.mediamonkey.com/docs/api/classes/Album.html) not returning the true absolute path.

I mention only because I'd implemented a workaround that then broke and in case anyone else had done something similar i might save them some effort.

So now the ask :D .....what i'm doing is returning a Base64 representation of the image to my mobile app and although this has worked fine and is good again and performance is great it seems like this could be a part of the standard set of MM5 methods for the Album object. It seems you must be doing this for the MM5 mobile app.

Thanks for the great app and your continued efforts to improve it!
