Near end of track, rew/fwd always skips to next track

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Re: Near end of track, rew/fwd always skips to next track

by Ceraus » Sun Nov 27, 2016 8:50 am

Thank you for your reply.

I don't have crossfade enabled, but I do "remove silence", so I disable it... but the bug manifests exactly the same way.

The issue is unrelated to track length or end silence length. Attempting to "navigate" a track during its last 10 seconds invariably plays the next song, that's all the issue is.

Re: Near end of track, rew/fwd always skips to next track

by Peke » Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:25 pm

Are you sure that you do not gave crossfade and remove silence enabled?

Near end of track, rew/fwd always skips to next track

by Ceraus » Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:04 am

Pressing rewind/forward 5 secs or clicking anywhere on the playback bar should simply continue playback from the new position.

But during a track's last 10 seconds, those commands instead make the next track play!
(Coincidentally — or not — 10 seconds remaining also seems to be the criterion for adding a play count.)
