MediaMonkey for windows phone

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Re: MediaMonkey for windows phone

by nohitter151 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:01 pm

Supposedly Windows 10 will support Android apps, my guess is that the MM devs will release MMA to the Windows store. ... e--1293295

Re: MediaMonkey for windows phone

by dtsig » Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:32 pm

sprocket wrote:Hi,

It's now late July - I want to buy a windows phone as a music player since as far as I can see they are the only cheaper devices to accept a 128Gb micro sd card. I assumed that MM would be available for a Win 8 phone, given that I have it on my Win laptop.

Is there any news yet on MM being available for phones operating Win 10 when it is released next week?

If not, are there any Android phones around £120 which will accept a big card?

And there in lies the problem with Windows .. a single app wont work on all devices so developers must try to develop for multiple environments.
You might be able to find a Samsung G5 for around 120. I am fairly certain it will work with 128 gig .. but check it out before buying

Re: MediaMonkey for windows phone

by Lowlander » Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:40 pm

No news on that.

Re: MediaMonkey for windows phone

by sprocket » Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:45 pm


It's now late July - I want to buy a windows phone as a music player since as far as I can see they are the only cheaper devices to accept a 128Gb micro sd card. I assumed that MM would be available for a Win 8 phone, given that I have it on my Win laptop.

Is there any news yet on MM being available for phones operating Win 10 when it is released next week?

If not, are there any Android phones around £120 which will accept a big card?


Re: MediaMonkey for windows phone

by Lowlander » Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:35 pm

I doubt it, maybe there is something planned for Windows 10 as it will allow the creation of a single App for all platforms.

Re: MediaMonkey for windows phone

by AMM » Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:14 pm

Are there any plans to offer Mediamonkey for Windows phone 8?

If not, I will have to get rid of my Windows phone.

Re: MediaMonkey for windows phone

by jkseger » Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:06 pm

This is an excellent idea!!

MediaMonkey for windows phone

by emad_hs » Tue Dec 09, 2014 9:40 am

Please make MediaMonkey for windows phone
Is it possible? ... 0d046b53ea
